I remembered watching Guy Kawasaki video on Youtube when i was in high school (looooonngggg time ago)
His “10 , 20 , 30” rules with presentation hits me that time.
I remembered I applied it in my high school Presentation
10 Slides (I had the least number of slides in the whole class)
20 Mins (I stick to 20 mins of presentation)
30 Font Size (My slide was minimalist, white background with few 30 font size content. I did most of my presentation – TALKING)
I thought I did great.
But the comments I received was …..
“You are so lazy, you put in no effort in making this presentation. You have so little slides and so little content. I am disappointed with you.”
I didn’t explain why I did my presentation that way to the teacher. I was a bit too ego to do that and also I was upset.
However, deep down I know that’s the way to present.
Because everytime i saw a slide full of words, I fall asleep in the presentation.
Everytime people ask me to read from the slide, I never look back at the speaker.
After I went on to University and boy I was shocked to see some University Lecturers fill their slides full of words!
You guess right. There are times I skipped the classes because they are just reading from the slides, which also means the content are all there. I don’t need to be there to take notes.
Fast forward today, many people are realising that they are doing their slides wrong, especially the fresh graduates.
I was smiling at the screen this morning watching Guy Kawasaki talks about the “10,20,30” rules again today.
That’s also when I realise good content sticks, and it will still be useful in years to come.
Note to self: When you are doing something different than the rest, it’s hard. It’s hard because deep inside you want others to adore and accept you. You feel terrible when they don’t support and cheer you.
Think: If Einstein care about people calling him crazy, we wouldn’t have light bulbs today.
This is the video I watched 10 years ago
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